Just imagine the pain Niru Tamang went through when she was told that her husband, the only bread winner in her family, has contracted leprosy and will need a massive and lengthy process of treatment.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This is what she positively did. Instead of whining and crying over the situation, she took it upon herself to take charge of the family. She went to New Sadle, a fair trade organization and training program where she learnt tailoring. Her husband, Ghamang Tamang received treatments all for free at the organization and when he recovered, started working there as a weaver after the necessary training.
Both the husband and wife are now work at New Sadle and support their families. Its been 13 years since they work there. Her son Sayesh Tamang is in grade 5 and her daughter Shreya Tamang just got an admission in Nursery level. Both her children are doing well in their education.
Niru makes beautiful bags, pillows and accessories. Her tailoring is a masterpiece to look at. Her precision and speed is her main weapon. She has now become what she always wanted to be. A self determined women who is independent and full of love.
We salute you Niru. We are very proud to bring the products that Niru makes with so much love and dedication. Every purchase you make ensures that her spirit is lifted and that she continues to do what she does best.