The Magical Monkey of Swayambhu tells a story of a brave monkey. Machig, who is advised by a Lama to go on a journey to find the medicine that might heal Machig's ailing mother. Each being he encounters on his journey shares their own teachings and helps the monkey along his path complete with white-water rapidsm wild buffalo, elephants, crocodiles and wise teachers. At the end of the story, the monkey gives his own teachings on what he learned from the journey - Courage, Compassion, interdependence, and the will to never give up.
The Magical Monkey of Swayambhu tells a story of a brave monkey. Machig, who is advised by a Lama to go on a journey to find the medicine that might heal Machig's ailing mother. Each being he encounters on his journey shares their own teachings and helps the monkey along his path complete with white-water rapidsm wild buffalo, elephants, crocodiles and wise teachers. At the end of the story, the monkey gives his own teachings on what he learned from the journey - Courage, Compassion, interdependence, and the will to never give up.