Great Perfection: The Essence of pure Spirituality
Some time ago, while living in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts, His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche practiced retreat, and in between sessions of meditation he studied and contemplated Th e Precious Treasury of Phenomenal Space, by Kunkhyen Longchenpa. It was at this time that Rinpoche first had the pure aspiration to translate this precious text for the benefit of English-speaking students and for all those of good fortune who find profound meaning and true value in the golden lineage of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. It is said that Longchenpa\'s masterful works on the Great Perfection can bestow real blessings and realizations just by reading or hearing his visionary words. In terms of practicing the Great Perfection, Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche oft en says, "Longchenpa\'s teachings are all you need!" Over twenty years later, aft er intensive collaborative work with his disciples, Rinpoche\'s aspiration is fulfilled with the release of this glorious text, The Precious Treasury of Phenomenal Space. Th e book is ornamented with a jewel at the beginning, Calling the Lama from Afar: Th e Excellent Path of Supreme Great Bliss by His Holiness Chatral Rinpoche, and another jewel at the end, From the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse: Th e Most Secret Guru Yoga Having the Seal of the Essence by Kunkhyen Jigme Lingpa. May the wisdom, compassion, and powerful blessings embodied in these sacred teachings spread to the ends of the earth, and may all those who have a meaningful connection with these texts find ultimate realization in the state of Samantabhadra!
Author: Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche
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