Tara Statues: White Tara Statues
White Tara - The Goddess of Seven Eyes
Buddha Statues are famous all over the globe because Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world. Every religion has its own perception, knowledge and believes that are followed in their own different ways and understanding religious believes takes time, patience and great efforts.
The most important aspect of Buddha statues are the difference in gestures or mudras in presentation of statue. We can see that every Buddha Statue has different hand and body gestures that make each statue different from the rest.
Tara has been worshipped in Buddhism world in different names as Green Tara, White Tara, and Blue Tara. White Tara, also known as "the Mother of all Buddha’s is the perfect picture of graceful power, wisdom and purity as she sees all human suffering, as well as encourages the devotee to develop alertness and sensitivity to the energy in and around them. White Tara is also called "the Goddess of Seven Eyes" because in addition to the third eye, she is also depicted with eyes in her hands and feet.
White Tara statue are depicted differently from Green Tara, (who is also a female Buddha and meditational deity) in terms of mudras and representation. White Tara statues are seen with an eye in her forehead, and one on each hand and foot, symbolizing her compassionate awareness to see all the suffering of the world. Her left hand is in the protective mudra and her right hand in the wish-granting mudra. In her left hand she usually holds a stem of the Utpala lotus flower with three blossoms. One blossom is represented as a seed, a second as ready to bloom, and the third in full bloom. These represent the Buddha’s of the past, future and present. White Tara is seated in the more meditative diamond lotus position, with both legs folded under her, and her feet facing upward.
The followers of Buddhism believe that all the sufferings, sicknesses, and diseases arise from the attachment, hatred, and unawareness as to the way things really are and White Tara overcomes the obstruction to long life and long Dharma practice. According to the Buddhist Philosophy, White Tara is extremely powerful as she is like a mother to her children who is very quick to fulfill the wishes and to grant everyone happiness and a long life, as well as to help develop wisdom. She also offers healing to beings that are hurt or wounded, either physically or sensitively.
The most important aspect of Buddhism is that they do not directly worship Buddhist statue rather they keep the statue in front of them while doing meditation to disciplined their mind and soul. Mostly people who follow Buddhism are likely to have a statue in front of them while doing meditation because it helps them to be focused in thought, ultimately helping him or her to achieve the higher levels of meditation.
White Tara statue can be placed in your meditation room or a personal altar is an excellent place for the statue. The most important things one should always remember is that the statue should never placed inside the kitchen or near to the bathroom. The gesture of the statues should always present in a right way that offers blessings to the devotee in a perfect manner. The missing details and unclear gestures of the statue often believed as an obstruction to the blessings from the deities. Therefore, while selecting the statues, one must be always aware of the respective god and goddess and their respective signs and symbols.
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