NepaCrafts is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 Situation
NepaCrafts on COVID-19
All of us are living in this time of intimidation, where no human civilization has been sheltered with safety. The threat of death and losing the dear and near ones are the biggest pain anyone could ever go through. And, right now, with COVID-19, the world is facing the same and the biggest threat of this century, where thousands are dying every day, unsettling the human civilization.
COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, is pandemic influenza, an infectious disease which transmits quite easily from person to person in a loop. By now, the pandemic has the confirmed cases of 1.35 million people, along with reported 74.86 thousand deaths, worldwide (April 07, 2020, 09:05 GMT,
It was not long ago, the Coronavirus, first outbroke in China (December 2019) and, was soon declared to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020, by World Health Organization (WHO) and, on 11th of March 2020, it was then, recognized as a global pandemic.
Currently, Coronavirus has been a crucial and harsh reality of everyone’s life, globally. This unbreakable chain of malady has forced everyone to stay in and remain isolated. Worldwide, every nation has declared lockdown, and so has the government of Nepal.
By this means, understanding the seriousness of the pandemic, on 22nd of March, a day before the Nepal Government declared the lockdown in the country, NepaCrafts decided to close all its activities till everything gets normalized. Yet, we understand, NepaCrafts being in the e-commerce industry, many expect us to get less affected by the pandemic, in terms of our business, suggesting we could have easily worked from home to operate our overall activities. However, the reality is way beyond.
As the Government has issued the lockdown in Nepal, no post-office or courier companies are active and, are not taking any parcel since 19th March 2020. Similarly, all the international flights from Nepal are canceled till 30th April 2020, along with the overall blockage in the people’s movement, with strict migration and border policies. In addition, almost all our workers, artists and associate partners have either returned to their hometown (villages) or due to the psychological inhibition caused by the pandemic, are not in an efficient state to work. Therefore, for us, working from home is not possible, at the very moment due to our inability to function the day-to-day operations.
Moreover, by understanding the cruciality of the situation and the fragile health care system of Nepal, we commit to stand together on the notion appealed by WHO, along with the government’s effort to keep everyone safe, and control the pandemic from getting a nationwide outbreak. And so, NepaCrafts keeps its empathetic concern among everyone associated with us.
Lastly, we would also like to assure, NepaCrafts is very much determined and more enthusiastic than ever, to be back in the business as soon as everything gets normal. Till then, we stand together along with every single individual, to fight against this pandemic; NepaCrafts and the team pray for the health and the peace of everyone living in this earth, may the world have more compassion and care, with no pain and suffering-
“Aham Aarogyam”!
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