How to hang prayer flags?
Prayer Flags are holy objects and they should be treated with care and respect. Tibetan prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be spread by the wind and bring good will and compassion to benefit all beings. There are several important notes to be considered before hanging prayer flags.
While hanging a Tibetan prayer flags one should always have good motive, positive thoughts and pray for the well-being of all sentient beings as well as for personal needs to increase the power of prayers offered. The next thing is to select the prayer flags that matches your inner focus. For instance, Windhorse prayer flags represents good fortune and is considered to carry prayers from the earth to the heavenly god using its strength and wind speed. The deities printed Buddhist prayer flags represent the enlightened mind. The three main aspects of enlightened mind are compassion, wisdom and power and they are represented by the postures and gestures of deities. Likewise, the Tibetan eight auspicious symbols are the most popular prayer flags that are the symbol of good fortunes. Buddha's long life prayer flags symbolize for long and healthy life.
Once you decide on the prayer flags that matches your inner focus and intention, the next step is to decide where to keep those flags. The wind horse prayer flags are keep outside with a believe that the wind will carry away the mantras and generate peace and good luck. Some prayer flags can also be hung indoor which conveys the mind the teaching of enlightenment and bring spiritual atmosphere inside the home or office.
Prayer flags generally comes with a nylon robes which can be easily hung at the desired place. Firstly, you need to find out the auspicious days to hang it. Hanging the flags during inauspicious days will bring obstacles and unfavorable condition in life. Generally, they are hung around auspicious places such as temples, stupas, mountain tops and passes, as well as above homes and fields. The flags should never touch the ground and when the mantras in the flags faded away, they should be burnt.
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