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The King of Prayers - The Extraordinary Aspiration

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The King of Prayers - The Extraordinary Aspiration of the Practice of Samantabhadra

The king of Prayers is the method by which the great saints of the past have dedicated all of their merits most effectively for enlightenment. it can be recited at the end of one's practice session, retreat, or at the end of any meritorious event. Often this prayer is recited numerous times to bring benefits to those who are sick or have just passed away, or for the success of a virtuous project. It is a beautifully written aspiration containing the immaculate wishes of holy beings and in itself is a complete practice.

"This fantastic, unbelievable prayer is the prayer of Bodhisattva. If you recite it every day, you can purify not only the ten non-virtues and so forth, but also very heavy negative karma, such as the five uninterrupted negativities, and in your next life be reborn in the pure land of Amitabh. This prayer has many, many benefits."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche