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Lodro Rinzler is a meditation practioner and teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist Lineage. Over the last decade he has taught numerous workshops at meditation centers and college campuses across the US. His column, What Would Sid Do?, appears regularly in the Huffington Post and the Interdependence project. He writes from his apartment in New York City.
"A lively and engaging invitation to a new generation of seekers, offering them a needed opportunity to be themselves, to be real, and to be thoughtful about life, without taking the spiritual journey so damn seriously." —Ethan Nichtern, author of Your Emotions Won't Save You and One City
"A wise, practical, and down-to-earth presentation of the liberating teaching of Tibetan Buddhism. I highly recommend this book to everyone who is interested in transforming their lives and this world we live in. Read it, then start a revolution!" —Noah Levine, author of Dharma Punx and The Heart of the Revolution
"Seriously fresh and freshly serious, this book is a terrific entry point for the young spiritual seeker." —Sumi Loundon, editor of Blue Jean Buddha and The Buddha's Apprentices
Author: Lodro Rinzler
ISBN-13: 9781569571446
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