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This is the Wangpo Metok Troma also known as the wrathful flower offering torma. Related to the tantric tradition and emphasize the accumulation of wisdom.When offerings of wrathful substances are done, it liberated our conceptual limitations of accepting and rejecting of every positive and negative aspects of life. To invoke the blessings of the Buddha, the sense of pleasure are offered on to the shrine. The spiritual merit of making offerings is dedicated to all beings with the wish for enlightenment.
A torma is considered to speak to the stirred psyche of the Buddha and through our association with them our own Buddha brain can be stirred. Each torma's careful shape, extent, and shading emerge from the astuteness brains of the Buddhas. In this manner, its superb material structure encourages otherworldly practice and achievement. A torma is said to filter numbness, and when obliviousness is decontaminated what's remaining parts is Buddha's stirred psyche, otherwise called the Dharmakaya, the assemblage of extreme illumination. Tantric Buddhist professionals use Tormas generally, yet their advantages reach past to any individual who wishes to bring the illuminated vitality of the Buddha's into their condition.
While it is generally basic to utilize tormas on a hallowed place for otherworldly practice, they could likewise be utilized to collect positive vitality in the home or could basically be acknowledged as profound workmanship. Tormas are accepted to achieve otherworldly insight, however to pull in other valuable conditions, for example, expanded riches, achievement, improved well being, and by and large insurance from hurt.
Total Size: 4" Height X 1.5" Width X 1.5" Depth
Weight: 45 grams approx
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