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About the Authors MADHAVI KOLHATKAR, M.A. and Ph.D. (University of Pune), has been working at Sanskrit Dictionary Department, Deccan College since 1973. Her publications include Sura, the Liquor and the Vedic Sacrifice (D.K. Printworld, 1999); Ancient Indian Fire Ritual (Motilal, 2001); Madhuvidy? (L.D. Institute, 2001); Samvijñ?nam (Dr. T.N. Dharmadhikari, 2006); and Vedic Domestic Fire-Ritual: Sth?l?p?ka (New Bharatiya Book Corporation, 2006). MUSASHI TACHIKAWA, Ph.D. (Harvard), is Professor Emeritus at National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. His publications include The Structure of the World of Udayana's Realism (Reidel, 1980); Introduction to the Philosophy of Nagarjuna (Motilal, 1997); Five Hundred Buddhist Deities (Adroit, 2000); Three Hundred and Sixty Buddhist Deities (Adroit, 2001); and A Ngor Mandala Collection (Vajra, 2006).
Author: Madhavi Kolhatkar & Musashi Tachikawa
Weight: 560 grams
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